a liturgy, here, from a life of learning.
i hope it can be enjoyed, and point to Jesus.
““we must go beyond textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey.””
the part of the journey where i arrived at a new place that i would call home. i found Glory in the pine trees. les arbres m'apprendront à atteindre de grandes hauteurs.
the part of the journey where i laughed with abandon. i found Glory in the sunset through the trees while people talked all around me. regarder le soleil se coucher m'apprendra à voir Dieu, un grand artiste.
the part of the journey when i found my comfortable place. i found Glory in the wind shaking the trees, moving the things of the earth with a breath. regarder de la façon dont l'extérieur est conçu va m'apprendre à savourer le travail du Créateur.
the part of the journey where i learned to be patient. i found Glory in the waiting. le silence m'apprendra à me contenter de ce qui va arriver.
the part of the journey where i learned to look up. the way the sun move across the sky, shining through the panes that gave me sight, taught me to see Glory in the short glimpses given to me. je vais choisir de regarder.
the part of the journey where i spent time in the company of good people; cooking, laughing, being. i saw Glory in the sharing of a space full of love and growing friendship. j'apprends à être "avec".
the part of the journey where i felt unbridled joy. i laughed hard at simple things and saw Glory in being able to enjoy such little things for what they were. chiens et forêts et longs trajets; ils m'apprennent tous la joie, chacun dans sa propre.
the part of the journey where i felt Glory peacefully again. the part of the journey where Glory filled me up creatively, overflowed from a place of rest and trust, rather than exhaustion and frustration. mon expression de foi en Dieu est venue comme une inspiration de grâce, plutôt qu'une expiration de fatigue.
“In silence, our soul is quieted... Our chaos can be calmed. Our lives can settle in the presence of God’s Spirit.”
the part of the journey where i practiced worship in more ways than one. i saw Glory in the drawing, in the reading, in the music, in the reflection, in the sitting and waiting. il y avait unité dans la diversité et cela m'a fait voir la gloire du Seigneur.